January 18, 2020
On Saturday, January 18, 2020 District 23C held its Humanitarian of the Year Awards Luncheon for 2019-2020 at Saint Clements Castle in Portland, Connecticut.
Lions clubs throughout the District 23-C submitted nominees names with a letter of what each nominee had done to serve their respective communities to receive an honor.
Three groups were formed to select one nominee from each to be submitted as finalists with one selected to receive a Melvin Jones Fellowship.
All thirteen nominees were honored as a 2019-2020 Humanitarian of the Year. Each received a proclamation from either a State or local Representative and a plaque.
The Middletown Lions Club had nominated Jeanna Pellino of Middletown for her work at Manes & Motions Therapeutic Riding Center with children, youth, and adults who had physical and/or emotional impairments, or people who just felt better riding or helping with the horses. Through riding a horse these people were aided in so many ways.
The photo above shows (from far left to right) President, Howard Geltman of the Middletown Lions Club, District 23-C Governor, Diana Grise, Lion Ted Krogh (holding the Proclamation from the Mayor of Middletown,, Benjamin Florsheim, Honoree Jeanna Pellino (holding a Proclamation from U.S. State Senator, Richard Blumenthal and U.S. State Representative, Joe Cortney both of Connecticut), International Director, Mark Lyon (holding a 2019-2020 Humanitarian of the Year Plaque).
Jeanna was accompanied to the awards banquet by her husband John and her mother Bettey Amato. Middletown lions who were present sitting with them were President, Howard Geltman, Secretary, Terri Geltman and Membership Chair, Elderrean Paules to help Jeanna celebrate her wonderful honor.
There were about two-hundred lions and guests at this wonderful event. Congratulations to all award recipients!