Club History

The Middletown Lions was chartered on May 28, 1929. We are Club number 9080, in Region 0, Zone 7, of District 23-C.

On May 28, 2019 the Middletown Lions will celebrated its 93rd year of srvice to the Middletown community.

Our club History from the 1960's to the present...

In the early 1960's Bernie Fields asked the club for $500 to start the Big Brothers/Big Sisters programs in our state. These programs are dedicated to enriching the lives of children and of adults with disabilities through mentoring, and much more.

Our Club helped to sponsor the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program (D.A.R.E.) in our state in the mid 1970's. It helps teach children life skills they need to avoid involvement with drugs.

We sponsored the Connecticut Blues Fife and Drum Corps in 1977 and 1978.

In the 1970's and 1980's our Club sponsored the Little League Team that won the Middletown Championship.

The Middletown Lions sponsored ttwo Lions Clubs the Killingworth Lions Club on November 18, 1970 and the Deep River - Chester Lions Club on September 1, 1950.

Two Lions from our Club became District Governors: David Darling (1960-1961) and Sebastian DiStepheno (1970-1971).

We were involved in the Head of the Connecticut River Regatta from 1974 to 2001. We then sponsored it from 2002 to 2011.

The Middletown Lions Club most recently sponsored the Portland Lions Club on June 29, 2018.


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