Past Events 2018-2019 #1
September 27, 2018
Middletown Lions Sponsor New Club
On Thursday evening, September 27, 2018 the Portland Lions Club held its Charter Night. To those of you who may not be Lions a Chartering of a new Lions Club is something so very special.
I guess you might say a new Lions Club was born that evening. It takes twenty members to form a new Lions Club. The Portland Lions Club has twenty-eight. It also takes another Lions Club to sponsor a new club. That is where the Middletown Lions Club came in.
The Middletown Lions club was asked if we wished to sponsor a new Lions Club in Portland and our vote was unanimous!
Members from the Middletown Lions Club that attended the Portland Charter Night were: President, Howard Geltman, 1st Vice President, Martin Knight, Secretary, Terri Geltman, Treasurer, Richard Pelletier, and Membership Chair, Ellie Paules.
Martin Knight who is now our 1st Vice President was asked to assist in the formation of the Portland Lions Club this past June while he was our club's President by our Past District Governor, Hilary Kumnick because of his vast knowledge of everything to do with "Lionism".
At the Charter Night there were so many Lions there from many different Lions Clubs to shower this new club with good wishes. Firstly, all of the new incoming members were "Inducted" as new Lions. Then, the new officers were "Installed" into their new positions within the club.
The photo to the left is of new Portland Lion Mark Tripp receiving his new Lions Pin from Region Chair, Michele Wyatt.
The photo to the right is of new Portland Lion James Tripp taking his oath of office as President of the Portland Lions Club from District 23C Governor, Laura Rowe.
The photo to the left is of Middletown Lions Club President, Howard Geltman presenting Portland Lions Club President, James Tripp with his new gavel.
The photo to the right is of Middletown Lions Club 1st Vice President, Martin Knight presenting the Portland Lions Club's President, James Tripp with their clubs new bell.
It was such a wonderful and memorable evening. Congratulations to our friends and neighbors in the Portland Lions Club.